What is Capitalism? Reading & Discussion Group
Friday March 28 at 3 pm ET; 20:00 UTC/UK; noon Pacific Time. Discussion with Paul Cammack, University of Manchester, featuring his article, Politics and Political Economy of Post-Reproduction Societies. REGISTER HERE
How are recent pro-natalist politics in the US and elsewhere linked to the changing politics of global capitalism?
From the author’s abstract: This article provides an exploratory historical materialist perspective on the national and global politics and political economy of post-reproduction societies. It identifies two overlapping processes in the global development of capitalism since the 1960s, the first widening opportunities beyond marriage and child-bearing for those who might bear children, and the second bringing all individuals and governments under the increasing discipline of the politics of global competitiveness. The resulting dynamics bring daily and generational reproduction into fundamental contradiction with each other, in ways that are sharply differentiated by race, class, and location in the world market. The international and supranational agencies supportive of the development of the world market have followed these developments closely. They accept that falling rates of fertility will not be reversed, and they promote a post-reproduction political economy which is intended to give added impetus to the development of capitalism on a global scale. The attitudes of government vary, in accordance with the level of their commitment to a politics of global competitiveness, and their socio-cultural politics. With exceptions, the issue of declining fertility rates is not prominent either in Marxist feminism, or in social reproduction theory. Here, I aim to encourage a wider debate.
Friday, April 25, 2025 at 2 pm ET: Katherine Moos, University of Massachusetts Amherst Economics, will discuss her current book project. Register here.
Law and Political Economy Meets Heterodox Economics:
Power, Freedom, Institutions, and the Law
Submission Deadline extended to March 15th
Saturday, April 12, 2025
9:00am–5:00pm ET
Yale Law School
127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06511
At our Spring 2025 workshop, we seek to feature multi-disciplinary and intersectional emerging scholarship reflecting on the relationships between politics, law, and economics, and society. We welcome papers both on and beyond the general workshop theme of “Power, Freedom, Institutions, and the Law.”
Students and emerging scholars interested in presenting law-and-political-economy-informed analysis of class, gender, race, imperialism, and more, are welcome to submit a 100–300 word abstract with titles by March 15, 2025, via the following link: In keeping with a commitment to methodological pluralism, research utilizing quantitative or qualitative methods, analytic or institutional approaches, and other techniques from a variety of disciplines, will all be considered. We are especially interested in soliciting abstracts that cut across disciplinary lines involving economics, law and institutionalism, politics, history, etc.
We encourage proposals and projects at every stage of their development; completed papers are not necessary at the time of the workshop. If you are unsure if your proposal fits the submission guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers by mailing to
This workshop will take place alongside a one-day conference on “Comparative Legal and Political Futures: South Africa and Palestine”. The joint two-day event thus begins on Friday, April 11, at 9:00 am, and ends with the APPEAL workshop the following day. Friday’s panels will focus on lessons from South Africa and Palestine on the law and political economy of compartmentalization, law and political praxis, and gender and apartheid. Other panels will reflect on South Africa 30 years after apartheid and Palestine in Middle East politics. Saturday’s workshop will begin with a plenary panel on Third World internationalism today, and a masterclass on methods in law and political economy. We invite those interested in attending or presenting at the Saturday emerging scholar symposium to also attend the Friday conference.
If you are interested in presenting or attending, please note that, while the workshop and conference are free of charge and will include lunch and refreshments, we are unfortunately unable to provide support for travel or lodging.
Co-organizers and Sponsors:
The Association for the Promotion of Political Economy and the Law (APPEAL), a program of the LPE Collective;
Yale Law and Political Economy Student Group;
John Jay College Economics Department;
John Jay College Law and Political Economy Society;
With New School for Social Research students and faculty; and
UMass Amherst LPE Group